by Jo Franklin
I was totally thrilled when Anita Loughrey asked to interview me for Writers’ Forum magazine. As we chatted, I suddenly realised that a certain theme crops up in my work again and again. The gawky awkwardness of not fitting in.
Now I am an adult, I experience that horrible feeling when I go to a party and I don’t know anyone and even worse, I don’t know what to say to them. I get overwhelmed by thoughts of What am I doing here? I am convinced that no one will be interested in me because I don’t belong.
As a child, that feeling was amplified. It wasn’t just a party I didn’t fit into. It was the whole world.
“I didn’t feel that I belonged. I didn’t know who I was. I had lots to say but no one around me was listening so I felt very isolated.”
A working title of Help I’m an Alien was “Alien/Misfit *delete as appropriate” which pretty much sums up how I felt growing up and continue to feel as an adult. I write about misfits because I am one!
“I’m not sure I ever fully grew up, so being a children’s writer is the perfect job for me.”
You can read the full article in Writers’ Forum magazine.